Koh Melon | 100% Watermelon Juice

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This Koh Melon 100% Watermelon Juice was a interesting find. We paid 2 for $1.00 for these, which was a great price. It pays to visit the Grocery Outlet occasionally. I thought these were amazing. I regretted not buying more after drinking them.
Simple Truth | Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

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Strong Roots | Pumpkin & Spinach Burger

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I know there are many options for plant-based burgers that are pretty close to tasting like meat nowadays, however, it’s nice to have a straight-up veggie burger here and there. I know that the combination of pumpkin and spinach may sound strange, but I assure you these were delicious. I would buy these again. Inga wimped out and did not try these.
Daiya | Deluxe Cheddar Style Cheeze Sauce

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You get three packets in this box of Daiya | Deluxe Cheddar Style Cheeze Sauce. You can do quite a bit with this stuff. You can use it on nachos on top of potatoes, or with broccoli, like the package suggests. Inga mixed the sauce with the refried beans, so it is hard to spot the sauce in the prestige photo. It was delicious though. Probably not something we would buy very often, but it could make for a nice treat from time to time.
Impossible Burger Frozen Patties

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We wanted to re-create the Vegan burger from Big Bun Drive-In up the street. We paid $2.50 for the two patties here. Making things like this instead of going out to eat will save us a lot of money in the long run.
Ben & Jerry’s | The Tonight Dough (Dairy Free)

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This was an unexpected find at Albertsons. Oddly it was more expensive than the other flavors by just over $.50, but that’s okay. We did a bad job capturing what was inside of the ice cream. There is a ton of cookie dough in there. A lot of good stuff, if that what you are after. It was a little rich for me.
Clif Bar Coffee Collection | Dark Chocolate Mocha

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I haven’t been eating very many clif bars lately. Once I am able to start running again, I may eat more of them like I used to. This one was surprisingly good. It does have a small amount of caffeine in it, so if you are sensitive to caffeine, beware. I would probably buy it again. They also have a couple of other coffee collection flavors that may be worth trying out.